Wednesday, June 19, 2013

... that it was Father's Day?

Matt and I were planning dinners for last weekend, and we decided to go with an old staple: Chicken Broccoli Casserole.  It's been a Blick fave for as long as I can remember, and is now one of Matt's favorite dishes that I cook.  I make it the best (ain't NO skimpin on cheese in this house) and it is requested of me on quite a regular basis.

Exhibit A:  This text convo on Sunday morning.

We had already invited Renee over for dinner, so I thought why not Kar and Zach too?  But when I asked Matt, I think his response was, "No!  They'll eat it all and we won't have any leftovers!"  So we compromised:  I would make 1 ½ pans to ENSURE that there would be leftovers, and Zach and Kar could come.  And there was much peace and happiness in the land.

See?  Plenty of leftovers!

But maybe not for long...


Just before dinner, we also got lucky enough to skype with Mom and Dad in Japan for Father's Day!  It just happened to be our week, and we were so excited to talk with them.  I can't believe they will be home so soon already!  We gotta get out there to visit!

Renee saved the day and made the most delicious dessert like she always does.  Sometimes I feel bad asking her to make dessert every time she comes to visit, but she seems so happy to do it and they are always DELICIOUS, so I will probably never stop.  Sunday's creation was ATK's "pots de creme."

I am in love with everything ATK.

Renee serenaded us as usual

Matt loves to make fun of how much we Blicks love our iphones

And Kar likes to take pictures of herself.  All the time.

I love having family over!  As Monica says, "I am always the hostess!!!"

Exhibit B:  This text convo Sunday night:

Yes, that is the third request for my Chicken Broccoli Casserole in one day.  Am I the best wife and sister ever?  Yes.  Is this casserole really that amazing?  Come on over and you can find out.  Cause I never say no to a CBC request.

I love feeding the people I love :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously what IS it with Kaari and Zach....the bloody yellow shorts and my striped shirt---do ya'll even OWN any other clothing?!?!?!
