Sunday, June 9, 2013

... that I had a once in a lifetime experience?

Everyone is having babies.  Everyone.

Four of my sister in laws and my sister were pregnant at the same time this past year!  And I still have one sister in law that is pregnant!  Crazy right?  It has been 5 months of baby everything up in here.  And it has been great, really.  I love babies, duh!!!

A few months ago my sister in law Lisa called me up, and as we were chatting she told me that after her last son was born, she regretted that she had not invited any of her sisters to the birth.  She told me that she thought we were really close and let me know that if I wanted to, I was invited to be at the birth of her baby girl.  I was simultaneously stunned and overwhelmed.  Lisa reminds me a lot of my own older sister Kelly, who I look up to and adore, and I was so amazed that she would think to invite me to something as special as the birth of her baby.  I thought about it for a while, talked to Matt about it, and ultimately decided that I really really wanted to go.  I was a little nervous (childbirth is probably one of the most terrifying and horrible things I can imagine, sorry all women everywhere) but I didn't want to miss out on an opportunity that I might never have again.  So I told her I would love to be there and spent the next few months forcing myself to not call her everyday asking if she was gonna have the baby yet.  It was always in the back of my mind; I had to be ready at all times just in case!!!

Luckily for me, the little baby decided to wait till after my family had left.  My cell rang at 3:00 on Thursday while I was at work, and when I saw it was Lisa, my heart jumped.  I quickly answered and my hopes were confirmed: They were going to the hospital!!!  I was so excited, but decided to hold out for a little while longer before I went to the hospital.  I finally left work at around 4:30 and raced home to change.  I said a quick goodbye to Matt then raced up to the hospital where Lisa, Brian, and Renee were already settled into a room.  I was so glad that Renee was there, it was so wonderful to share this experience with her too!  Both of us were very nervous and unsure of what to do, so we just sat quietly as Lisa's labor got harder and harder over the next hour and a half.  Lisa had wanted to do another waterbirth, and I was amazed as they brought in a blow up tub and started to fill it.  It was a long process; we weren't sure if Lisa was gonna make it!  I could tell she was worried that it was taking too long, but she toughed it out like a champion mother and got in the tub the second it was full enough.

Then, miraculously, about 20 minutes later, there was a brand new, perfect, beautiful little baby girl in the world.  I have never seen anything quite like it.

This was not Lisa's first rodeo, but that does not diminish the fact that SHE IS A ROCK STAR.  I was simply in awe of her incredible strength.  I don't know if I could ever be as strong as her.  But I do know one thing: there is nothing more special than being a mother.  It was so precious to see Lisa with her brand new baby that she had worked so hard to bring into this world.  I will always have a special bond with Lisa and her darling Eloise.  I am so grateful to Lisa for giving me this experience and lucky to call her my sister.

I love you, Lisa!

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