Friday, July 14, 2017

... that Matt said:

On his wonderfully healthy self image:

"My chest is like laying on a rock. With just a little layer of fat on top."

"We need a big lamp that will light up the whole room. Like my personality."

On diversity:

"Honey, I'm definitely more diverse because I married a half Asian woman. You, on the other hand, married me."

Kade: "I had yellow fever once."
Matt: "I still have it." *winks at me*

On socially acceptable topics of discussion:

"Honey, I think you need to realize that there is a difference between gross talk and scientific, fun talk."

"I don't know why people don't talk about hemorrhoids more."

Parking under a tree in LA: "This spot's a little shady. Just like all of Inglewood."

On healthy eating habits:

Matt: "I'm so hungry!"
Me: "You didn't eat any lunch."
Matt: "I didn't EAT lunch, but I DRANK some lunch."
Matt: "Soda. I drank soda."

"I tried to eat one of those oatmeal yogurts this morning for breakfast, and it was the worst breakfast I have ever had inside the United States."

"We're like Jack Sprat and his wife. Except I'm the wife."

"I just want to go home and relax with some sort of soda that is so large, people know it's from America."

On keeping up with hip trends:

"Are people saying 'Redbox and chill?' Is that a thing?"

"A lot of 34 year old adult men follow One Direction. Just kidding. But I did buy one of their songs. Maybe two."

When I lamented that our ward doesn't have a choir: "I am a choir unto myself."

Love my Matty!!!!!!!!!

... that it was Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Matty!!!!!

Matt is such a great dad. It's no wonder Jas' first word was "da da." We got to spend Father's Day at home, which was great, so after church Matt got right to relaxing:

For a little while. I had also invited Cait and Kade to have dinner with us, and Kade pointed out what a great husband Matt is when he commented that it was weird that Matt was on the couch while I was making dinner in the kitchen by myself. It is so true: Matt helps me with EVERYTHING. Including his Father's Day dinner, because I eventually asked him to help me and of course he did, even making all of the dessert by himself while I finished the enchiladas.

I should also mention that I made him make extra creme brulee for a family in our ward because they had won it in a silent auction we had for the youth a few months ago and we still hadn't made it for them. I told them we could do it that day cause I would have Cait to help me make it, and then I ran out of time, and Matt had to do all the work. And then I also asked Cait and Kade to stay at our house and watch Jas while we left to go take it to them. So I was winning best wife/sister/host awards all around that night. But the food turned out good in the end, so I guess everyone forgave me. Jas was a little cranky and had a tiny fever when we put her down that night, but it was gone in the morning, so I didn't think much of it...

The next day, we celebrated Father's Day again with all the Harrisons at a picnic dinner after work. It was great to see everyone, but Jas was acting very grumpy and out of sorts. She didn't want to eat and was very whiny... and then we noticed some little sores on her tongue. And we realized that they could possibly be related to the bumps that had recently showed up on her knees, which I had assumed were just bumps and scrapes from crawling everywhere... but now I was freaking out. I had to go to work the next day, so Matt took her to the doctor first thing in the morning and texted me with a diagnosis that afternoon: CHICKEN POX.

What????? She had her shot already! It didn't look anything like pox! It didn't seem to even be itching her! Nonetheless, we called the daycare and let them know, and stayed home with her all week. Matt and I took turns missing work, and Matt's mom even came and watched her for half a day. Jas didn't really seem that sick; she may have been a little cranky and tired and her tongue was sore, but she would still eat soft food and her fever never came back and her pox didn't spread anywhere else. So all things considered, we were pretty lucky. But we couldn't take her anywhere, for fear of getting other people sick, which made it a long week. But we muscled through somehow, and by Monday her pox were all healed and she was back at daycare. I am so grateful that Matt is such a great dad; I would have never survived this week without him!!!

Thanks for being our favorite DaDa, Matty Pants!!!!!!!!!!