Saturday, February 4, 2017

... that Jas is a model!!!!!!!!!!!

Jas is the most beautiful baby that ever lived. Period.

A friend in my ward sent me a message asking if I would mind if she took a few pictures of Jas modeling some stuff for her Etsy shop. Of course I don't mind, I love it when people tell me my baby is beautiful!!!!!! I'll also attribute this to the fact that there is basically zero diversity in the state of Utah.

I miss California.

Anyway, I brought Jas over to her house and we had a blast with this photoshoot! Even if she asked me if I could bring some "Fallish outfits" for Jas and this was the best that I could come up with:

You think I have a seasonal wardrobe for my baby? HA. I don't even have a seasonal wardrobe for MYSELF.

No worries, we borrowed some of her daughters "Fall" clothes and Jas showed us her many model poses:





and "Perfect"

She has yet to develop her "Blue Steel" look, but I'm sure it will come as her modeling career progresses.

Jas was a great little model and we even got to keep the adorable bracelets and headband too! Thanks for the adorable pics @skip2mylouboutique!

I can't get enough of my beautiful Jas!!!!!!!!!

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