Wednesday, July 10, 2013

... that I went to Girl's Camp?

The moment I had been dreading since I received my calling finally came.  Matt and I left the MTC and raced back home so I could pack for Camp (because obviously I had to wait until 11:30 the night before.  Oops.) and at 7:15 the next morning I was ready to face my fate camp it up!

This was the first time that I had ever spent the night apart from Matt since we've been married.  And I hated it.  It was horrible.  And only partially because I had to sleep in this:

Which I'm 98% positive was pitched on a giant red ant hill.  Oh well.  I only had to kill 2 ants and 1 spider inside our tent.  And is it really camping if you get to sleep on an air matress?  Cause you better believe I brought one.

You can make me camp, but you can't make me sleep in a sleeping bag.

I have to give it to my girls, they were troopers.  It was hot, there were giant bugs, we were dirty, and none of us got nearly enough sleep, and they were still happy to be there.  Despite the fact that I missed taking my parents to the airport, I was really glad that I got to have some special bonding time with my girls.  Even if I was super embarrassed when one of my girls challenged me to a race on the rock climbing wall and I couldn't even make it half way up.  She made me go on the hard side people!!!  Shame.

- Banana boats and dutch oven brownies
-Singing camp songs (which were NOT the same songs that I sang at camp, I was only a little mad)
-Making cute jar lanterns
-Listening to older girls get the Beehives ready for "snipe hunting"
-Testimony meeting
-Being in charge of the necklace craft table
-My campfire discussion with the Laurels about "making out"
-Skit night

Going back to my last post about my amazing new counselor, she really was an answer to prayers.  She took the Stake camp theme, "Stand in Holy Places," and put her own spin on it with shoes!  Cause you need shoes to stand.  And also, girls just need shoes.  Duh.

I am totally going to take credit for this punny ward flag, because the saying was def my idea.  But that is the extent of my creative contribution to the cuteness of Camp.  My counselor, on the other hand, made us all matching pillowcases and backpacks ON TOP OF all the other black and white/shoe themed gifts (flip flops, bandanas, mirrors, notebooks, and foot-shaped nail clippers.  Seriously.) that she had brought for us each day.  This woman single-handedly MADE girls camp.  She pulled it all together in 10 days WHILE going to Youth Conference for me, and didn't even tell me about all of her plans because she "didn't want me to be disappointed if she didn't get everything done."  She just showed up with boxes full of presents and homemade gifts and truly made it Girl's Camp.  This woman is a saint, people.

I don't love camping, but I love my girls!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha you are simultaneously the best and worst camp leader!!!! hahahaha you so funny.
