Friday, June 23, 2017

... that Jas was 14 months!

This girl.

I am already putting her in 18 month clothes, cause LOOK AT HER. I can barely carry her around anymore, and when I do, people laugh. She is huge! I love Saturday morning snuggle time with her

Which actually looks more like this:

And actually REALLY looks like daddy taking care of her while I sleep in, cause Matt is the best and he loves me. There was a lot of Matt and Jas time while I was in SF, I was sad to leave her for a whole weekend!

But daddy took good care of her! There was a lot of FaceTime,

Some trying to teach Jas about the outdoors (despite what this picture portrays, she does not like sitting on grass),

And some fighting of naptime,

Which led to us deciding to cut out her second nap for a couple of weeks and see if she was ready to transition to just one nap during the day with an earlier bedtime.

BIG MISTAKE. Worst two weeks ever. So back to two naps we go, and I am not going to mess with her bedtime again until she tells me she is ready. Serves me right for trying to be the boss of her.

I feel like she is learning so many things now! She is starting to love animals like her mommy, and is finally creating a relationship of trust with her big sis ChrisTina. She has been crawling around after her for a little while, but now ChrisTina will finally deign to let Jas pet/whack her every once in a while and it is pretty endearing. Jas also gets super excited whenever she sees dogs outside and she LOVED visiting IFA with me! A girl after my own heart.

She is pretty good at church, as long as she is the coolest one there

Or sleeping.

She is also finally getting good at walking with her walker! 

Little stinker is so hesitant to walk! She pulls herself up to stand on EVERYTHING... and then whines until someone helps her sit back down because she is too afraid to let go. Oh well, she'll walk one of these days.

Love my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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