Sunday, March 5, 2017

... that it was almost Christmas!

Time to set off my OCD put up the Christmas tree!

Time for Matty to hang up the Christmas lights!

He even went the extra mile and indulged my request to decorate the tree on the corner of our front yard! He was set on winning the HOA contest for best decorated house (which we did NOT win), but it turns out that decorating a whole tree is really hard when both of you are short. 

Oh well. We tried. Our house looked great, and we finally had a use for all of the Christmas lights that we have kept from our wedding for the last 5 years, so who cares that we didn't win, right?
(We cared a little.)

We attended our ward Christmas party, where we both participated in musical numbers, and Matt for some reason had to dress up like a Blues Brother?

I still don't really know why that happened.

And Jas had her first pic with Santa!!!!!

Just ignore the cast and focus on that adorable baby smile. She is perfect.

We love Christmas!

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