Sunday, December 15, 2013

... that the holidays are here???

Happy winter!!!

Actually, not.  I hate Utah winters.  One word: Snow.  And another word:  Cold.  It got down to 2 degrees last week.  2 DEGREES.  Disgusting.

Okay, enough being bitter.  Because the beginnings of the holidays were actually nice!  Most everyone was going out of town because everyone is going to come here for Harrison Homecoming Christmas Fest 2014, but Tracy and Marc were staying and invited us to hang out with them and their family for Thanksgiving!  Hooray for getting out of making Thanksgiving Dinner for myself for another year!!!  I actually got out of all cooking for Thanksgiving because they asked us to bring a pie, and anyone who knows us knows that Matt is the dessert master in this family.  He actually made the whole coconut cream pie all by himself (mostly while I was sleeping in on Thanksgiving morning)... then made breakfast for us and Lance... then put up the Christmas lights.

I have the greatest husband in the world.

After the lights were up, we all drove down to Utah County for dinner at Marc's parents' house.

It was a nice relaxing evening and dinner was fabulous!!!  And Marc's parents didn't even act like I was crazy when I asked them if I could have the bones from the turkey.

My mom makes this amazing Chinese-style turkey rice porridge with her leftover turkey every year after Thanksgiving, and she and I basically eat it all ourselves cause no one else likes it as much as we do.  And they were just going to throw it out!!!  So I wrapped it up, took it home, and made my momma proud.

My Asian is showing.  But I don't even care cause this was DELICIOUS.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh barf I don't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole. WAY too azn for me. I be a classy b.
