Thursday, October 24, 2013

... that it's HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right!  My favorite holiday is back again!!!
I decided We decided to go with a Harry Potter themed party this year:

The Hogwarts towers

The Quidditch field

The Hogwarts Express Platform

The Chamber of Secrets

(Complete with Basilisk)

Harry and Hermione

And my favorite part of all: Fluffy, the Three-Headed Dog

We had a sorting ceremony:

(Renee's face when she was sorted into Ravenclaw = priceless.)

And played a few "Minute To Win It" games

And a good time was had by all.

My favorite costume prizes go to Prince and Subzero:

A big big BIG thanks to my sweet husband for putting up with all my crazy party ideas and helping me bring them to life.  Thank goodness he is just as party crazy as I am.

I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OMG the dog!!!! Hysterical!!!! And wow I did not realized that invitation was from you!!! I think I saw a pic of it on Kaari's instagram and barely made it through the first line before I thought "I have no idea what that says but wow it's elaborate to send to a 9 month old" hahahaha

  2. this is the most glorious thing I have ever beheld

  3. Um, I just have three words for this. Ah.Maze.Ing!!! Seriously, you and Matt are my idols! I can't wrap my head around how much time it must have taken for you to make all of that! How did you make rings for the quiddich field?! So much awesomeness. Please please re-create this night sometime and I will be there! Ü

  4. Also, do you know if there a way to get an email (or some kind of notification) when you do a new blog post?
