Monday, October 7, 2013

... that I just can't say no?

Let's just start by saying, I love my husband dearly.

A few weeks ago, Matty informed me that there was going to be a meeting of the Utah Herpitological Something or Other Society and that he wanted to go.  He asked me if I wanted to attend with him, and after giving it much thought, I opted to let him attend on his own.  He came back 3 hours later telling me about how much fun he had had and all the people he had met.  And I was happy for him.

Last week, he informed me that members of this Society were invited to come to the Reptile Expo a day early, set up their booths (if they were a sponsor), participate in a potluck, and just hang out to celebrate the start of the Expo.  Matt has been waiting for the Reptile Expo ALL YEAR LONG, and now he had the chance to make it last for TWO DAYS?????  He was beyond ecstatic.  And I was happy for him.

Friday morning he got up early, woke me up with a hug and a kiss, and made waffles for me while I got ready for work.  Then, while I was enjoying my lovely waffles, he asked me oh-so-sweetly if I wanted to go to the potluck with him and meet all of his Reptile Society friends.  And that is how I ended up spending my Friday night at a pot luck with the Snake People.

Matt's face as we were walking into the potluck.  I mean, how could I even THINK of saying no to that face??

Matt made himself right at home

while I stood off to the side trying not to make eye contact with people and debating whether or not it was worth it to eat the food that was brought to this function.  Yes, I am extremely judgmental.  Sorry.  I did eventually eat, and we even talked to quite a few people.  You know, the "friends" that Matt had made at the meeting the week before.

The next day, we were back there again, just a couple of snake loving nerds.

There were the regular snakes, frogs, lizards, spiders, and turtles

 A very friendly green tree python

 AND A BABY HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the greatest things that has ever happened to me.

Matt picked up a few mice for our snakes.

And then we had... a talk.  A very long talk.  About how Matt wanted another snake.  And about how we already have four at our house.  And about how I don't want to become "the crazy snake people."  And about how I want people not to be afraid to come to our house.  And about how people have to have limits.  And behave rationally.  And act like adults.

And then we bought another snake.

A beautiful little albino Hognose.  I just can't say no to that boy.

As we were leaving the expo, we waved at the woman at the door, who we had met the night before.  As she waved back, she called to me, "Do you want a t shirt?"  She then proceeded to hand me a Wasatch Reptile Expo t shirt.  When I asked her how much it cost, she answered, "Oh you can have it! You've been here for two days!"  And that is how we ended up with a free Expo t shirt.

And we will forever be members of the Snake People Club.

It's a good thing I love my husband.

1 comment:

  1. The funniest part about this is NOT that your husband is a weiwdo fwom a wiewdo fawm, it's that when we had this conversation on the phone I literally thought you said that the lady was handing out HAMSTERS instead of T-shirts and I was dyyyyyying bc I thought you said you came home with a snake AND another hamster!!!!! hahahahaha
