Tuesday, July 29, 2014

... that we love tradition?

And we love the Fourth of July!

We started out the day with a family service project: yard work for one of our neighbors from the old ward. Afterward, we all got together for a family barbecue at the parents' house. Then there was just enough time to go home, clean up, and relax a little before we met up for the firework show! We went with the Merrells to the same park we went to last year, and this time the parents joined us! It was a great time with great company.

And of course, no Fourth of July is complete without a handstand contest.

I love the Fourth of July!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this looks just like the soccer field over by Village at the Park with the 101 Ventura freeway separates us from the eucalyptus trees and ACHS football stadium. I miss being with grandkids, taking in the firework show, and serving up food storage hot chocolate to everyone that wants some!
