Tuesday, April 2, 2013

... that it's Easter?

I love holidays, and Easter is no exception.  Like I always say, any excuse to have a party!

Matt loves ham and I was really craving some cornflake potatoes, so we wanted to have dinner at our place.  Mostly so we could keep the leftovers.  We invited a bunch of family, but in the end only Renee and Cait could come.  Which only means, more food and candy for us!!!  Because yes, I still cooked an entire ham for just four people.  And it was awesome.

Cait sent me a text last week reminding me to make her an Easter egg hunt.  And like the loving, kind sister that I am, I willingly obliged.  I remembered to buy candy at the last minute on Saturday night, and then went to bed without even setting it up.  The next morning, I came out of our room to find our living room strewn with candy that Matt had bought himself and sneakily set up the night before!  He is so sweet!  And it's a good thing too, because my two bags of candy were quite pitiful compared to the mountain of treats that he bought!  Not to mention that I didn't even buy any plastic eggs to put the candy into... Fail.  So I gave him my candy to add to his stash, and he hid it for me (I wasn't allowed to go into the living room because that would be cheating, since the hunt was now for me too and not just the babies).  I have the greatest husband ever!

Matt made us line up in the hallway youngest to oldest, in true Harrison tradition :)

After the hunt, we had a great dinner and read/took naps on the couch.  What a great day!

Easter really is such a special day.  It's a happy reminder that springtime is coming, but more importantly, it's a reminder of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I am so grateful that my Savior has overcome death, pain, and sadness for me, so that I can overcome them as well with His help.  I know that He knows me and loves me.  I know that because of His sacrifice, I can live with Him and my family again, if I can endure to the end.

I love Easter!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha IF you can endure!!! I love those Harrison traditions!! so funny
