Monday, October 1, 2012

... that we are a little obsessed? (And by "we" I mean "Matt")

Matt and I got our baby ball python, LJ, a few months ago, when Matt told me that I could get a hamster, Tina, if he could get a snake.

Remember this picture?

Yes, we love Tina and LJ.  And Matt has been OBSESSED with reptiles ever since we got them.  He has read every snake book he could get his hands on, watched every YouTube video about snakes there is, and wants to build his own terrarium display case.  I mean, we're talking Mariah Carey "Why you so obsessed with me?" obsessed.  Seriously.

A few weeks ago, I wanted to go to the Utah State Fair.  Matt told me that we could go, if I promised to go to the Reptile Expo with him.  I should have seen that one coming.  But truth be told, I would have gone with him anyway; snakes are definitely growing on me.  But I was determined that we would not come home with anything new; we were just going to look.

So last Saturday, we drove down to the Utah State Fairgrounds and attended the Reptile Expo.  It was pretty fun!  Just a big exposition building filled with tons of tables of anything a herpetologist could ever want.

Look how happy he is!

Each vendor had a big display with every reptile you can imagine:  snakes, turtles, frogs, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, EVERYTHING!

Yes, that is a crocodile.  A FREAKING CROCODILE.  They were letting people hold it for a $5 donation.  Insane.  But not as crazy as the guy who picked up a scorpion WITH HIS BARE HAND.  I was freaking out.  But I did hang a 7 foot Burmese Python around my neck, which was severely cool.

A crested gecko: very cool animal.

My favorite thing might have been this little tupperware filled with hatching snake eggs.  It was so disgusting I could not stop looking and so crazily awesome I could not get over it.  If you look closely, you can see 7 little snake heads poking out!

We spent hours looking at all the booths and holding all the animals they would let us hold.  We especially spent a lot of time looking at the different cornsnakes.  Matt has been trying to talk me into "getting another snake for you!" ever since we got LJ, and I had decided that cornsnakes were my favorite.  He even went out to DI one day and came home with a giant terrarium because "it was on sale and we might get another snake someday!"

We were getting ready to leave the expo when I looked at Matt and knew that he really really really wanted to get some more snakes.  And how could I deny the world's best husband of something that would make him so happy??  So we decided that we would get two baby cornsnakes- one for me and one for him :)

Meet Lucille and Ricardo.  Lucille, the redhead, is mine and Ricardo is the dark charcoal that Matt picked out.  We already love them!

Yes I'll admit it:  We are crazy snake people.  It's a good thing Matt's parents like snakes too, otherwise they might not be too happy with how we redecorated their guest room:

That's Lucille and Ricardo's cage on the left and LJ's cage on the right.  My own mother would never allow such a thing in her home.  Love my in-laws!  And we love our snakes!

1 comment:

  1. Word's best wife doesn't do you justice honey! We are crazy, and I know that anyone who sees our little snakes will know why we could not pass them up!
