Tuesday, September 18, 2012

... that we are True Blue Cougs?

Matt and I are both graduates of BYU, and therefore big Cougar fans.  Little did I know that before I met him, I had no idea what it was to be a TRUE fan.

What is my husband doing in a craft store, you might ask?  Oh, just buying 2 yards of blue fabric.  But not just any blue fabric; he spent 10 minutes picking out the perfect dark, navy blue fabric.
Notice it matches the color of his BYU windbreaker and his BYU shirt that he is wearing underneath his BYU windbreaker PERFECTLY.  His hat is also BYU, in case you can't read.
We also purchased some white fabric spray paint at the store too.

He then brought the 6 ft of fabric home and created this: 

A giant Y stencil made of newspaper and lots of masking tape.
This thing covered our entire kitchen table.

But when the stencil came off, it really was quite impressive:

I asked him what exactly he was planning to do with this thing?  His response included ideas such as:
1. Hang it in front of the house on game days.
2. Wear it as a cape.
3. Bring it to games and wave it around.
4. Put it on the flagpole in front of our house.
5. Put it on a pole and stick it out the back window of the truck so that he can drive around with it.
6. Have someone hold it in the back of the truck while he drives around.

And not only does he now have this beautiful flag, he kept the Y stencil.  So that he can "put a big Y on anything I want now!"

Here it is, hanging proudly in front of our home on gameday.  It didn't bring us much luck against the Utes, but it is still pretty awesome. Matt told me, "If we don't have 200 eggs on our house by the end of the day, this flag is NOT doing its job!"  Good thing our neighbors are nice.



  1. I love it!!!! Matty Pants for the win!!!

  2. hahhaa my first reaction: wow Matty Pants
    Lori's first reaction: that's really impressive
    You are both welcome to sit by us at any game

  3. The blood in my veins is literally blue, at least on the back of my hands. And I have a wonderful wife who will let me do all this crazy stuff!!!
