Friday, November 15, 2013

... that I finished it???

Kar asked me to make her a baby blanket forever ago.  Like when she was still pregnant.  She found some great fabric

Beautiful pink paisley minky with a brown back, and a little satin for the ruffle trim.  And I only had to vacuum the front room 52 times cause of that dumb minky.

Aaaaaanyway, I have never sewed a blanket before.   So I kind of just made this up as I went along.  I was constantly terrified that I was doing things wrong (and believe me, I was), but hey, that's what a seam ripper, AKA my best friend, is for.

I started by cutting the satin into strips for the trim.  Then I folded the strips in half and sewed the ruffles into it.

Yes.  I pinned and sewed every single ruffle in that darn trim.  ANNOYING.  Especially when I had to rip a lot of the ruffles out and redo them again to make the corners.  DOUBLE ANNOYING.  But long story short, I finished the ruffles, sewed two corners together, sewed the trim to the blanket, finished the other two corners, closed it up by hand, and voila! A blanket!

I hate to brag, but I'm gonna, cause this thing is BEAUTIFUL.  And it only took me 5 months!  Hey, I'm a working adult with a demanding calling and husband, quit nagging me, okay???  Now you know why I haven't been posting any refashion posts lately, I made a promise to myself that I would finish this blasted blanket before I sewed anything for myself.  Good thing I love this little face.

Speaking of how much I love this little girl, I didn't even get mad when she came over for dinner last week and then barfed all over herself and Kar and the family room floor.  I even gave her one of my shirts so she wouldn't be cold after we gave her a bath.

It almost fit her.

Love this little booger :)


  1. HAHAHAHA it is BOOTEEFULLLLL!! Thank you thank you!! #wokitout

  2. Oh and HAHA you the bloody minky lint!!! It's terrrrrible right?!?!
