Monday, August 19, 2013

... that Matt said:

On watching his nephews:  "If you need a babysitter, we have Benadryl."

Trying to give me a compliment:  "Krissy's legs are like angelic stalks.  You know... If angels grew on plants."

Another attempt at a compliment:
Matt:  "My eyes have cavities from looking at you."
Matt:  "Cause you're so sweet."
Matt:  "I had to get a root canal in my eyes."
Matt:  "I had to have braces on my eyeballs."
Matt:  "I just got another cavity from looking at your face."
Me:  "Please stop."

Talking about The Wheel of Time series:  "I just got nerd chills thinking about another sword fight."

At our church softball game:  "And we alllll win when we play with integrity!"  *people laughing*  "INTEGRITY IS NOT A JOKE PEOPLE!!!!!"

While eating goat cheese:
Matt:  "This is so good I just want to chèvre it into my mouth!"
Matt:  "Get it honey?  Cause of the cheese??"

While lying on a blanket:  "This doesn't feel like a sheep at all.  This feels like rubbing my face on a not very fluffy goat."

On pigeons:  "It's a carrier pigeon.  It carries hepatitis."

On having goals:  "Someday, we'll buy a house.  But before that day, we'll buy a cotton candy machine.  PRIORITIES!!!!!"

At his nephew's baby blessing:  "When Marc held up the baby, I heard someone whisper, 'Aaaaaaaaah savenyaaaaaaaaaaa!' real quietly, like in Lion King!  It was me."

On eating my homemade Chinese cooking:  "'Hoisin' rhymes with 'poison' and I won't eat it."

Again on Hoisin Chicken:
Me: "We could have hoisin chicken for dinner."
Matt: "You KNOW how I feel about hoisin."
Matt: "Is that joke getting old?"

On being creepy:  "The trick to being creepy is perfecting the creepy voice.  And slow movements."

(creepy face)

I love my Matty!!!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH this never gets old. Please always remember every joke he makes and write it down and then blog about it hahahahahaha

  2. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha he is just as entertaining as Cutter!!! Maybe even more because there is no chance that he will poop in his underwear or whack you in the face accidentally....well hopefully......
