Friday, December 9, 2016

... that we had a Blick reunion!!!

Blanding is a magical place. It holds so so so many special memories for me! I was so excited to take Matt there for the first time and to introduce Jas to all the Blicks!

Uncle Mike rented out the old Blanding Motel (now called the Stone Lizard Lodge) for the whole Blickencrew and it was so fun to stay in the motel that my grandparents owned and ran when they were young! The current owners even opened up the house part of it and let us all walk through it while Dad, Mike, Kristy and Todd told us stories of growing up in the little motel.

But of course, the pinnacle of Blanding is always the hiking.

(Mom, always with her selfie stick)

Normally I hate hiking, but it's just what you do when you're in Blanding! And you get to see so many cool things! The arches! The Indian ruins! The petroglyphs! The dead animal carcasses! And the red rock country is really so beautiful, it's hard to be mad when you're exploring it. Matt is carrying Jas in all the pics because (let's be honest) he held her the whole time. I offered! But I really think he was worried I was going to fall or drop her or both. Or maybe he was just so amazed that I was actually hiking and having a good time that he was worried I was going to drop dead from too much physical exertion at any minute.

When we weren't hiking, we were taking selfies in the shade because it was SO HOT,

And getting auntie snuggles,

And asking Matt what happened to all of his hair,

And getting milk shakes at The Patio,

And eating dutch oven dinners at the park,

And playing in mud puddles,

Or protecting our shorts and light sabers from said mud puddles at any cost.

It was a short three days, but so great to see all of the Blickenstaffs and relive so many memories of my childhood! I love Blanding!!!

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