Friday, December 7, 2012

... that it's STILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

That's right.
The celebration never stops.

Matt kept his word: on Monday, we went out to buy me a new purse!  After searching though 2 different TJ Maxxes for a purse that I had found earlier but couldn't seem to find again, we found this one:

Isn't it cute?  I love it!

Matt also insisted that I have a treat for my birthday, and decided that I needed a Tres Leches cake!

It was delicious!  He is the greatest :)

And the party didn't stop there!!!  My arch enemy Chad wanted to take us out for a little dinner and bowling celebration as well.  Since he insisted on going somewhere that he could watch the BYU game, I graciously agreed to have my birthday dinner at Iggy's.  Even after that game got cancelled, we still went there so that we could watch the Jazz game.  I'm so nice on my birthday, even to Chad.

Truth be told, Chad is pretty awesome.  He fraudulently used other people's personal info to win me tickets to a pre-screening of The Hobbit on Monday!!!  I guess he knows me pretty well, probably from stalking my Facebook and this blog.  Creeper.  But hey, we get to see The Hobbit, so I am stoked!

Towards the end of dinner, all the waiters burst out of the kitchen, yelling loudly and very obnoxiously.  As I turned around to see what the commotion was, I thought to myself, Oh someone must be having a birthday.  How embarrassing.  This was my face when I finally realized that they were coming to our table:

A chocolate sundae later, we were ready to hit the bowling alley, AKA Matt and Chad's very favorite place in the entire universe.

I did pretty good that night, alllllmost broke 100.  You would think that I would be a lot better than I am, considering how ridiculously often Matt and I go bowling.  But don't worry, Matt recently taught me a new bowling walk which actually has helped improve my game.  Because apparently I have been bowling the wrong way for the first 28 years of my life.  Whatever.


1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha you are almost as funny as I am sister!!! I better step my game up!!! (at least we don't have to worry about Kaari :/ )
