Saturday, April 5, 2014

... that we are awesome babysitters?

For Christmas, I gave Matt's sister Lisa a gift card to go on a bowling date, which came with free babysitting of course! They finally had a chance to cash in on it, so Matt picked up a pizza after work and we headed over to watch the kiddos!

And by "watch the kiddos" I mean "the kiddos watch Matt play video games." These little goobers love video games so much, they don't even care if it's them playing.

And even more lucky for them, Matt also brought his iPad for them to play on.

Even Ellie wanted in on the electronics.

I got sucked into the playing too. I told the boys that they could pick my Wii character's name for me, and they typed in "Ougr." Then they kept yelling, "Ogre! Ogre! It's your turn!" Sweet boys. My favorite part of the night was when we turned on the karaoke.

So adorable. I love being an auntie to these cute kiddos!

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