Tuesday, April 1, 2014

... that I was "totally totally right?"

I used to be a good skier. Back when I could do more than ten minutes of physical activity without having to stop and gasp for breath, I used to love skiing! When all my siblings traded their skis in for "much cooler" snowboards, my dad and I took our skis and hit the slopes by ourselves. We would spend hours on the mountain, just the two of us, practicing our mogul technique and trying not to die on black diamond runs.

Sadly, once I went off to college, my skiing days came to an abrupt end. One, I was too poor and busy goofing off studying to spend any money or time on skiing. And two, laziness. I have a serious disdain for physical exertion these days... and a serious denial problem about it. So it's been probably about twelve years since I've been on a pair of skis. Twelve years!!! When the heck did I get old?????

Matt's sister got married last weekend, and the whole family was coming into town. One of the things Matt wanted to do was plan a skiing day with his siblings! So fun right? When I told him I wanted to come with, his response was, "You can come, but you have to go skiing at least one time beforehand." Matt has trash-talked my ski skills for... ever. He mocked me every time I talked about being a good skier, just because I hadn't been in so long. So I agreed to go skiing with him once before his family came into town so that I could get warmed up. Unfortunately, this meant night skiing (the cheapest way to go), but I was already invested in saving my honor, so I had no choice.

We took off work a little early and hit the slopes! As Matt and I walked up to the lifts, Matt said said we needed to walk over to the second lift. When I asked why, he said, "This is the bunny hill lift. We're going over to the intermediate lift." I knew the only reason he was taking me there was because I got really mad at him every time he said he didn't want to "leave me on the bunny hill by myself"... and that's when I started to get a little nervous. And I'm not gonna lie, I got a little more nervous when I got to the top of the lift and looked down at this:

I made Matt go ahead of me because I was reeeeeally starting to doubt all of my tough talk... Until I took off! As soon as I started down the mountain, everything came flooding back. And it felt exactly the same!!! Dad was right: just like riding a bike! After a few minutes, Matt stopped and asked if I wanted to go ahead. I knew he wanted to watch me to see how I was doing, so I zoomed down the mountain in my best plant-and-turn form. When Matt finally caught up to me, I got exactly what I was waiting for:
"Honey, you are great! I was totally totally wrong!"


Since it was night skiing, it was a little cold, but it was so fun to see the sun go down behind the mountains and see the lights come on.

We had a blast! And I proved that I was right! And a good skier! And I proved my worthiness to go skiing with the family! And I was only sore for like three days after! And I even went off a jump!

Sort of.

I love skiing and being right!

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